Sunday, December 8, 2013


HELIKOPTA ilitu uwanjani kubeba majeruhi baada ya kutokea vurugu katika mechi ya soka Brazil jukwaani baina ya mashabiki. 
Mchezo kati Atletico PR na Vasco da Gama, ulisimamishwa Jumapili baada ya mashabiki kuanza kupigana wenyewe kwa wenyewe. Mashabiki waliokuwa wanapigana ilibidi watenganishwe na Polisi wa kutuliza ghasia kwa kuwafyatulia mabomu. 
Mchezo huo ukaanza tena baada ya saa moja na dakika 10 za kusimama kupisha vurumai. 
Tukio hili ni baya kwa Brazil, na litaifanya nchi hiyo ijipange kwa matukio ya aina hiyo wakati wa Fainali za Kombe la Dunia.
Hatari: Vurugu zilizotokea jukwaani baina ya mashabiki zilisababisha helikopta itue kuchukua majeruhi
An injured fan is carried on a stretcher towards the helicopter after violent clashes between the supporters
Mashabiki waliojeruhiwa wakibebwa kupelekwa kwenye helikopta
Separation: Police used rubber bullets to keep warring fans apart as the violence ensued
Wanatenganishwa: Polisi waliwafyatulia mabomu mashabiki ili kuwatenganisha
Horrendous: An Atletico fan was set upon by Vasco da Gama fans as things turned nasty
Mashabiki wa Atletico wakimtimba mateke shabiki wa Vasco da Gama 
Shocked: A ball girl cries as the violence unfolds in the stadium in front of her
Hofu: Binti aliyeshika mpira akilia wakati wa vurugu hizo
Landing zone: The helicopter stopped on the pitch to airlift a severely wounded fan
Helikopta ilitua uwanjani kuokoa majeruhi
Carried to help: This supporter was taken to the helicopter on a stretcher to receive aid
Mashabiki wakichukuliwa ajili ya huduma ya kwanza baada ya kuumia
Dreadful scenes: For this to happen ahead of the World Cup may worry travelling supporters
Hii ni kuashiria tahadhari kubwa inapaswa kuchukuliwa wakati wa Kombe la Dunia
 Shocked: Luiz Alberto said that he saw a young person being hit with blocks of wood and kicked
Shocked: Luiz Alberto said that he saw a young person being hit with blocks of wood and kicked
Brutal scenes: The match was, astonishingly, restarted after an hour and ten minute break
Brutal scenes: The match was, astonishingly, restarted after an hour and ten minute break
Intervention: Police fire rubber bullets and try to drag the injured man away
Intervention: Police fire rubber bullets and try to drag the injured man away

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